Game currency.
Megabucks can be received in game for gaining new experience levels and for regular visiting of the game. You can add megabucks by clicking the “Add megabucks” button and following the instructions. You cannot exchange coins for megabucks. It is not possible to give coins and megabucks to your friends, but you can buy presents for them in the shop. You can also buy game currency in the Bank. For more information click here.How do I get megabucks?
You can earn megabucks by attaining new levels and by entering the game 5 days in a row. Also, you can buy megabucks for credits.
How do I send megabucks or coins to my friends?
You cannot send megabucks or coins, but you can buy something valuable with your megabucks and then send that item to your friend as a gift.
Can I buy megabucks with coins?
No. There's no 'reverse' exchange in the game.
How do I develop my city?
To grow, your city needs people. When newcomers arrive in a house, you'll see a people icon hovering over the house. Develop your infrastructure to raise your city's population capacity and attract new citizens. Each residential building attracts a certain number of newcomers over a predefined period of time. When newcomers arrive, the icon with people will appear over the corresponding building. Click the icon to register (add) the people.
How do I expand the territory of my city?
You can buy an expansion for megabucks (Buildings >Expansions), or get them as a gift when you invite new players to the game. You can also ask one of your friends for an expansion.
Why are the costs of expansions different at different levels?
As your game level increases, certain lower level expansions become more expensive, while some higher level expansions become cheaper. The availability of such expansions is limited.
I've sent an expansion to a friend of mine, but their app applies only previous (smaller) expansions. Is this a bug?
All expansions are applied 'consecutively' (i.e. 13x13 > 15x15 > 17x17 etc.). For example, if a friend sends you a 21x21 expansion but your location is 17x17, first you'll have to apply the 19x19 expansion, and only then make it 21x21. For more information click here.
How do I earn more exp and get more people?
You can earn experience by building objects, attaining new levels and titles, assisting friends, collecting taxes, and registering new citizens. To attract more people, construct more residential buildings.
What are residential buildings for?
Residential buildings attract new citizens to your metropolis.
What do I need power plants for?
Power plants produce electricity for you city. Each building you construct consumes some amount of electrical power. If you don't have enough power, you won't be able to build new buildings.
I cannot buy any more houses because there's not enough power and/or water in my city. What should I do?
You can't build new objects or complete tasks if you don't have enough water or electric power. When you're notified that you are lacking resources and cannot complete a building, simply construct another wind turbine, power plant, or water tower.
I want to start constructing an object. Where do I get the necessary assets?
All major construction projects -- such as the hydro power plant, the beach, and so on -- require specific assets. When completed, such projects will substantially raise your population capacity as well as increase your power and water reserves. All necessary assets can either be bought for megabucks or obtained from friends (as gifts). The procured assets should be applied at the corresponding construction site. After the required number of instances of all assets have been applied, the project either reaches completion or unlocks the next stage. To look up how much an object will cost, left click its construction site. If the selected object is not yet available for you, you'll see the level at which you'll be able to construct it.
How do I sell an object?
You can't sell what you've previously bought. However, when you delete objects, you recover 20% of their initial price (if you bought them for coins). Anything you purchase with megabucks is non-refundable.
How do I remove an object?
To remove an object, click the white arrow on the right menu bar, choose Delete (the slanted red cross) and hover over the object you want to remove. When the object turns red, click the object to remove it from the map. For more information click here.
How do I turn an object?
To move an object on the map, click the white arrow on the right menu bar and choose Move/Rotate (the crossed arrows). Then hover the mouse over the object you wish to rotate. You'll see a yellow arrow at the bottom-left corner of the object. Click this arrow to rotate the object.
How do I move an object?
To move an object on the map, click the white arrow on the right menu bar and choose Move/Rotate (the crossed arrows). Then click the object you want to move, release the mouse button, move the object to the desired location, and click it once more.
How can I use my production facilities?
On the map, click a production facility and buy a contract. When the contract is complete, click the facility once again to collect your profit.
When does a production contract expire?
Contracts expire after a period equal to 1.5 times their completion duration. For example, let us say that a facility completes a contract in 10 minutes. When production is complete, the expiration period begins, which in this case lasts 1.5*10 = 15 minutes. Try choosing a short contract to check this. You will recover half of the money you paid for your expired contract.
What's the purpose of the warehouse?
You can use the warehouse for storing objects and assets. First, you should buy and build the warehouse, and then hire the necessary personnel. After that the warehouse may be 'opened'. Warehouses have a limited capacity, but you can always add an extra slot for 1 megabuck.
How do I move an item to the warehouse?
Some objects for construction (projects) are already placed on the map. Other objects can be found in the Buildings menu. For example, you may need to move an hotel to the warehouse. To do that, click the white arrow on the right menu bar, select the Warehouse (the light-green carton with an orange arrow over it), and left click the item you want to move to the warehouse (the hotel in this case). The item will disappear from the map, and you will find it stored in your warehouse.
What is a City Hall for?
The City Hall allows automation of the tax collection and newcomer registration. This will require hiring a tax agent and an employee for registering people. The tax agent will collect all due taxes while you are away. Newcomer registration works the same way. Initially, all players have 50 wages at their disposal. When needed, the wage fund can be replenished with megabucks. Also, you can fire any previously-hired friends. Firing does not mean any losses either for you or for your friends. Hiring an in-game employee will cost you 1 megabuck.
Note: The whole idea is to free you from the routine of clicking each building to collect taxes or people. All proceedings are transparent and proceed while the app is running, so you can literally watch the process happen. For more information click here.
Why are my stops not counted?
Task and title achievements are counted only after your friend clicks 'Visit' or 'Allow', and you subsequently receive a request (when you next re-enter the game), which you should accept.
Why are my production plants 'unavailable'?
There is a limit to the number of production facilities that players can build in their cities. The limit does not depend on the population capacity. The fact that all facilities in Production are tagged 'unavailable' simply means that you've reached this limit. If you wish to buy a different factory, delete one of your existing plants.
My friends sent me gifts, but I can't find them. Where are they?
The gift counter's capacity is limited to 512 (a combined total of 'sending' and 'received'). We strongly recommend that you clear your stored gifts -- either via sending or applying -- so that you can use your new ones. Gifts that you have received but which are not visible will appear as soon as their number in the queue gets lower than 512. Alternatively, you can use the gift search functionality (see the screenshots). Note: search may be locked in full screen mode.
I've just constructed a building materials facility, but there are no ready materials. Why not?
All produced materials are safely stored. Materials cannot expire. The contract can only be cleared if you do not invite the required number of friends. To ask friends for help with a contract you have started, open the contract and click 'Ask for Help', to notify your friends that you need their assistance. Then your friends should confirm their readiness to help you. Make sure you have received enough confirmations. When the required number has been reached, the corresponding notification will appear in the contract window. For more information click here.
I contracted some material production at the facility, but the contract expired. What should I do now?
In order for the contracted product to appear in the warehouse (when the contract completes), make sure you fill ALL the job positions with invited friends BEFORE THE PRODUCTION PROCESS ENDS.
I've constructed a building materials facility, but there are no excavations. Why not?
A completed building materials facility is no guarantee that you will stumble upon an excavation site. Keep building. Just don't forget to leave some space for potential excavations in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. If no space was reserved, excavations may turn up anywhere in any of the available locations.
How do I remove excavations?
Discovered excavations cannot be deleted. You can only delete a completely restored object.
Who is Edward? Edward is your model neighbor. You can visit Edward's city to have a look at all the recently added items and the potential development of your own metropolis.
How do I edit my wish list?
At present, wish lists can only be edited manually.
There are 2 ways to do this:
1. Click an object under construction. In the window that opens, click the blue '+' over an asset. The wish list will open automatically, allowing you to add or remove assets. When finished, click 'Publish'.
2. Open the Buildings menu, choose Assets, and then click the blue '+' over the asset you want to add to your wish list. Edit the wish list. When finished, click 'Publish'.
What are the exp messages?
Exp messages allow you to share the experience you earn when attaining a new level or title (Advanced Mayor, for example).
How many messages can I receive, and when will I receive them? The number of messages in your inbox is limited to 30.
New level = 50XP
Expansion = 100XP
Multi-stage titles: 1 is 50 ХР, 2 is 100 ХР, 3 is 200 ХР, and 4 is 500 ХР
Single-stage titles are = 200 XP
My friends ask for exp messages, but I don't have any. Why?
The experience from your messages can be used only by the first 5 players. After that, your experience becomes unavailable to others. This is how the game is designed. In any case, you do not lose anything. We recommend you enter the game frequently to keep track of all the latest developments.
When am I eligible for free gifts in the game?
Free gifts are distributed randomly (at least 1 gift every 8 hours). Their assortment and number depends upon your level, and the number of friends you have in the game.
What are frequent player bonuses?
The provisions for receiving bonus megabucks are as follows:
1. You must enter the game 5 days in a row
2. The days are counted starting from your 1st visit
3. You'll get your secondary bonus (in coins) 24 hours after your 1st visit
4. If you miss a day, the day counter resets
A bonus megabuck is added to your account at the end of the 5th day.
How do I get in the TOP 100?
TOP 100 requirements:
1. You must have many buildings, and there should be few identical objects in your city.
2. Advice: Do not build identical objects just to obtain experience -- you won't get into the TOP 100 if you take the easy way.
3. There should be enough roads in your city.
4. Advice: Your city should look real. It shouldn't be a bundle of identical buildings without roads or infrastructure.
5. Timely completion of all major projects adds an extra advantage.
6. The higher your level (that is, the more exp you have), the better your chance.
Can I restart from scratch?
No, you cannot restart from scratch. For more information click here.
What's the highest level in the game?
There is no 'highest' level in the game. The number of levels is unlimited.
How many gifts can I have?
You can receive any number of gifts. However, at any given moment you can SEE no more than 512 gifts.
I can't see the menu bar, or I can only see parts of it. What should I do?
Update the application window (CTRL F5). If updating doesn't help, try zooming in or out (CTRL +/-). Also, specific issues may occur when the game displays in full screen mode. If the game becomes slow or unresponsive, we recommend you exit full screen mode.
What is the purpose of the tax office?
The tax office is for the collection of taxes, and also sets the population limit. If your city's growth is well balanced, you may leave the slider at zero. If you lack infrastructure, move the slider to the left to reduce the tax levels, thus increasing your population capacity. If you have enough people, move the slider to the right to raise the tax rate, which decreases the population capacity.
Why should I continue to build power plants?
Each building you construct consumes some amount of electrical power. If you don't have enough power, you won't be able to build new buildings.
I can't find the settings menu (animation, sound, etc.). Where is it?
To open the tool bar with all the various settings (Print Screen, Full Screen, Animation On/Off, etc.), click the cog wheel icon under the right menu bar.
What is Act of Territorial Expansion?
Act of Territorial Expansion is a document which can be given to your friends or to you from your friends as a gift. It is stored in your storehouse if you accept it as a gift and once you have enough of Acts for a certain expansion, you can buy the expansion for the Acts. You can also sell one Act for 100 coins.
Megapolis is a city management game developed by Social Quantum. In this game you need to run a city, keep your citizens happy and expand it to a megalopolis. Gamezebo’s quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. For more information click here.
Megapolis is free to play, and can be played by clicking the “Play Now!” option at the top of this page.
When you start Megapolis, Alice will lead you through a tutorial to explain the basics of the game.
Megapolis basics
In Megapolis, you’re running a city. A city that wants to grow and that wants to expand. This is process that goes through several steps: you build houses, you gain more citizens, you gain more money (through tax), you build more infrastructure, you build more houses, etc.You can build your city however you want, but if you want some pointers in the right direction –and earn extra experience points- keep a look out on the tasks listed on the left side of the screen.
When you have hosing, your population will automatically increase over time. When you see a ‘population icon’ over a house, click on it to ‘collect’ people and increase your population. After you’ve collected new residents, a house will ‘recharge’ over time (for instance, 5 minutes for a wooden house, 20 minutes for a bungalow) before you can collect again.You can’t keep building and expanding your population without having the city to back it up though. By building decorations, and production buildings, you can raise your population cap. For instance, by building a grove, my city can now house 4,500 people, instead of the maximum 4,300 people before. For more information click here.
With an expanding city, so comes the need for an expanding infrastructure. Although you can build roads to keep your city visually pleasing, roads are actually not part of the required infrastructure.Your city needs electricity and water to run properly. In the menu at the top of the screen, you can see how much of each is currently used, and how much you can produce.
To increase the productivity, buy and build more water and electricity plants.
An added advantage to building water plants, is that it also raises your population cap.
Across the map, you will find ‘projects’, like an unfinished bridge or a public beach. Finish these projects to raise your population cap, and sometimes get other extra’s as well, such as extra electricity production.
Categorized under infrastructure, you can build commercial business, ranging from gas stations to restaurants. Commercial buildings raise your population cap, but their worth lies in tax revenue. Like housing, over time it will recharge, and you can click on the building to collect taxes.You can also build factories and stores where you can take out contracts. You invest in them to produce something, and when it’s ready, you collect the reward.
If you don’t pick up the proceeds from the contract for too long, or you change your mind, you can always choose to ‘cancel/clean up’. It will cost you a small fee, but you will get half of your investment back. For more information click here.
Special offices
In Megapolis, you can build special offices from one of the icons on the right.One is the city hall, where you can hire your friends for administrative positions. For instance, when you hire one of your friends as a tax collector, your taxes will automatically be collected. You don’t have to click on the buildings anymore, nor need to worry about not visiting your city often enough to collect taxes.
You can also build a tax office, where you can adjust your city’s tax. As no one is ever happy to pay more taxes, there is a downside to raising taxes: it lowers your population cap.
Building a city and maintaining a stable economy is tough. The mobile game space has been quite kind to the genre of city simulations lately and one of the biggest games is Social Quantum's Megapolis. Players have the unenviable task of putting together a massive metro system that runs on everything you've seen a city thrive on. Megapolis is the ultimate mobile city sim that everyone needs to play and master. As for the mastering part, here's ten tips and cheats you'll need to keep your city alive.1. Set A Comfortable Pace for Your City Building Duties PocketGamer.Co.UK knows just how stressful it can be to master the art of making a city thrive. They made sure this essential tip on how to pace yourself in Megapolis: Pacing is important in Megapolis, for the game's creator has given you a fair amount of freedom to build in whatever direction you like. However, this can result in your wasting large amounts of resources. Think about it logically: if you were actually managing the transformation of a town into a city, you wouldn't rush to build a massive bridge to attract potential residents to your area when all you've got to offer them is a bowling alley and a few residential buildings. It's pointless, and it's expensive. Don't overstretch yourself, then. And make sure you keep dutifully plugging away at the tasks that fill up the list on the left-hand side of the screen. Scroll through them and see what's cheap and quick to finish, and get those elements into your town quickly. You'll race through the XP levels with all the experience you'll gain, unlocking loads of buildings and facilities for when you do want to start sculpting your urban masterpiece.
2. The Basics of Population Growth Once you begin to place some housing properties in your city, your city population will also increase over time. This process is automatic, but the main manual aspect of this population control lies in tapping on your houses. Whenever you spot the population icon hovering over a house, click on that icon to gather up those folks and increase your population. Once you gain those new residents, your house will have to take a break before it can help repopulate your city again. For more information click here.
3. Throw in a Few Buildings and Make Your City More Attractive The key to increasing your city's population even more is by placing more productive buildings and decorative features everywhere. Your population cap will surely increase as you buy and place more water/electricity plants. You'll also need to pay attention to any unfinished projects around your city. Complete the mini-missions and you'll not only add to your city's population, but you'll also get some extra perks out of them.
4. What Are Those Special Offices Good For? Special offices, like town halls and tax offices, play a big part in the overall production and stability of your city. explained the purpose of these special buildings: In Megapolis, you can build special offices from one of the icons on the right. One is the city hall, where you can hire your friends for administrative positions. For instance, when you hire one of your friends as a tax collector, your taxes will automatically be collected. You don't have to click on the buildings anymore, nor need to worry about not visiting your city often enough to collect taxes. You can also build a tax office, where you can adjust your city's tax. As no one is ever happy to pay more taxes, there is a downside to raising taxes: it lowers your population cap.
5. Make The Most of Your Production Buildings Upgrading those energy efficient buildings helps to maintain the nature friendly aspects of your city. Make sure you throw some money into these buildings to make sure you get their maximum output. When you have the funds, purchase a complex license upgrade so your city's energy efficiency becomes a bit better. SHARE THIS MEGAPOLIS TIPS AND CHEATS! Share on Facebook Twitter Google+ Email.
6. Achievements and Assets! explained the game's in-game achievements and assets system: One more feature Social Quantum added so you never stop playing the game are the already addictive Achievements (load from the trophy icon on the right side of the top bar). You obtain achievements by creating certain buildings, or reaching thresholds when collecting taxes or population limits. Assets are items that are required to complete some quests to unlock buildings, and neighbors come once again into play, since you depend on them to receive such parts, otherwise the megabucks are needed to buy the assets. Megapolis brings you updates quite often adding outstanding landmarks like the Petronas Towers, the Bank of China, the Acropolis Park, etc. For more information click here.
7. Keep Your Pockets Full By Completing Tasks and Taxing Your Population Cash and the ever fruitful Megabucks are always a little bit low when it comes to its abundance. The best way to keep your pockets full is by finishing as many tasks as possible and taxing your city's denizens. Manufacturing efforts also help get you more dough than usual. Once you get your hands on some Megabucks, spend them ASAP on land expansions.
8. Keep Tabs on Everyone Else's Cities knows just how helpful it can be to take a look at everyone else's city progress: If you want to see how some of the top players in the game make up their cities, go into the mobile version of this game and hit the button in the upper right corner that says “top” on it and check out any of the top players’ profiles. You’ll be able to see what premium buildings they tend to have (such as the Emirates Hotel or the Taipei 101) and see if you can co-opt some of their strategies for yourself.
9. THERE'S A TIME TRICK? Yep and explained it all: Normally, at your stores and facilities, once you start a contract, you have to wait for a prescribed amount of time to be able to collect your coins or your goods unless you want to use Megabucks to speed the process up. To skip the wait for free though in the mobile version of the game, simply go to your device’s date and time settings and set the time ahead for however much time you’ll need to complete the contracts. Then go back to the game and collect your coins and your goods. This same trick works as many times as you want and it also works for completing construction on buildings early. Make sure that you are somewhere that has a good connection, though, because if you have bad bandwidth, then once you set your time ahead and go back to the game, it will simply just refuse to load. Also, the time trick works in reverse – if you set the time backwards, it will take even longer to do what you are trying to do. For more information click here.
10. Stay Friendly and Visit Your Buddies Cities PocketGamer.Co.UK also spoke about the benefits of visiting your friends' cities: As in life, one of the best things in Megapolis is having friends. You get a nice bonus for adding friends via the icon on the bottom left of the screen. Your buddies' worth, though, is definitely more than fiscal. They're materially important, too, you see. In the game, your friends are absolutely essential in your unlocking later content, for there are plenty of buildings and constructions - such as the Warehouse and the Bridge - that require enough money AND materials to build them. You can purchase parts of buildings with Megabucks, but you'd be a chump to do that. The most cost-effective way of getting them is to Request them. To do this, tap the gift box in the bottom left of the screen, tap 'Your Wishlist', and add the items you need. Alternatively, you can tap on the construction itself and press the 'Ask' button. Don't forget to send gifts to your neighbors, too, for you don't want to look like a Selfish Simon. You can also visit towns to expedite the acquisition of resources from Contracts. Though you can help individual people a limited number of times per day, the number of friends you can visit is limited only by how many mates you have. Again, you're rewarded for good deeds, so make sure to do this every day. If you have any extra tips and cheats you'd like to contribute to fellow Megapolis players, throw them in the comments section!
Fine, Megapolis is not the first City Builder game outthere, not even the first for facebook, but it does have some very unique features, specially the one being cross platform, that triggered some quick player virality and is now being played daily by around 4 million players monthly. Social Quantum decided to choose the title Megapolis (not Megalopolis, though it means exactly the same but without copyright concerns) where your objective is to turn your small town into a prosperous metropolis. For more information click here.
What probably stands out from this social game, is that not only you will play on Facebook. But you can also play in the same exact account in android or the iPad (or iPhone or iPod), cross-platform games are not very usual. Facebook is better when you are laying roads and constructing and iPad and Android are better to check stuff out (like collecting taxes and profits from factories.) You can save the game progress at any given time by clicking on the disquette icon on the right side of the top bar and then load it from other platform.
Alice, the advisor, will stay with you along the whole game both as a wizard tutorial and providing guidance for some in-game mechanics. Other advisors will join in as you level higher.
When it comes to in-game money, you have 1 soft cash, which are coins, and 1 hard cash, which are megabucks (a.k.a real life dollars). You don’t have an energy bar, but you will soon find out that time completion for some buildings and contract orders and running out of coins will stop momentarily stop you.
This city builder simulator does not work exactly like the classic of all times, Sim City (but does share a hella lot of other gameplay features and objects). Instead, you are given tasks/quests that get loaded in the right side of the screen like most facebook social games. You actually progress through the game by completing these tasks, and not just by laying out buildings (you actually unlock buildings AFTER you complete such tasks.). The map, for instance, seems endless and has “hidden quests” found in objects/sites spread along it (e.g “Water Treatment Plant, “The Beach”, etc.).
The Population Factor
To grow, your city needs people. You must construct more residential houses. This will ensure population growth. Each type of residence provides a certain increase in the number of people over a certain period of time. For more information click here.A common feature or building category that is not missing on Megapolis are the Residential buildings, these are mandatory to provide your citizens with housing. You will notice plenty house types in the build toolbar. You start out with just wooden houses though. Worth noticing, once you lay out the building, you must “load” it with people. You don’t it a single time though, each house has a different waiting time for you to click and “load” it again to win experience and population.
The City Halls comes very handy, automating tasks like tax collecting and censuces.
The next buildings category are Infrastructure buildings. We are not exactly talking about pipes and roads, but rather shops, restaurants and public buildings like Police Stations and Fire Stations. These buildings are also necessary if you want to grow your population.
The other side of the coin is that you collect taxes from those same infrastructure buildings you install, but they are not your primary income though. Taxes do not get collected automatically as expected, you need to click on the buildings once they are ready. Each one has a different waiting time to collect taxes from.
Decorating As Usual
Decorations: you may decorate your city with different outdoor objects such as flower beds, trees, or parks. They also push the population cap upwards, but you don’t have to keep an eye on them.Factories are the ones that will yield most of the profit, you need to negotiate and order different products for each different factory, and once they are delivered, you can collect the coins from them. The more people live in your city, the more plants you are allowed to have. Click on a production facility to open the window with a list of available contracts. The higher you level, the more profit you get. Once you’ve selected a contract, the facility starts working on it (you can cancel anytime if you want to, but you will lose half of the coins you spent). If you wait for too long to collect the contract money, it will expire and yield only half of the money invested.
Following next are the “resources buildings” which are in fact Power Generation objects like Wind Turbines and Water Towers. The more housing/infrastructure your city has, the more electricity and water generation and storage will need. You cannot construct new buildings if there is no more power available. Also, if your water supply is insufficient you cannot add new buildings.
Megapolis neighbors are sort of mandatory if you want to progress in the game, for instance, expansions are unlocked either by buying it with megabucks or by getting facebook contacts to play the game. For more information click here.
One more feature Social Quantum added so you never stop playing the game are the already addictive Achievements (load from the trophy icon on the right side of the top bar). You obtain achievements by creating certain buildings, or reaching thresholds when collecting taxes or population limits.
Assets are items that are required to complete some quests to unlock buildings, and neighbors come once again into play, since you depend on them to receive such parts, otherwise the megabucks are needed to buy the assets.
Megapolis brings you updates quite often adding outstanding landmarks like the Petronas Towers, the Bank of China, the Acropolis Park, etc.
How to build big in Megapolis – hints, tips, and tricks
Build patiently, remember good things will come to those who wait. Think about it logically: if we were indeed handling a mutation of a city into a city, we wouldn’t rush to build a large overpass to attract intensity residents to your area when all you’ve got to offer them is a bowling alley and a few residential buildings. It’s pointless, and it’s expensive. For more information click here.Don’t overstretch yourself, then. And make certain we keep dutifully plugging divided during a tasks that fill adult a list on a left-hand side of a screen. Scroll by them and see what’s inexpensive and discerning to finish, and get those elements into your city quickly.
You’ll competition by a XP levels with all a knowledge you’ll gain, unlocking loads of buildings and comforts for when we do wish to start sculpting your civic masterpiece.
Be resourceful
There are a bucket of resources to be wakeful of in Megapolis, yet usually a few of them should bother your interest.Energy is an early separator to building some-more facilities, so safeguard we have copiousness of renewables sparse about a land. Water isn’t a vital emanate during all, so we can flattering many omit this element. Population, meanwhile, boundary how many buildings we can erect, yet we wouldn’t worry about this too much.
Money and Megabucks are a dual resources that will be in shortest supply. By completing tasks and fatiguing your citizens, Money is replenished naturally around a game. The genuine dosh is made, though, by manufacturing, that can take adult hours of real-world time.
How mostly we play will establish a product we make. Each product takes a opposite length of time to construct, and opposite lengths of time will outcome in opposite amounts of income earned. That wonga is useless, however, if we never get a possibility to spend it.
Megabucks are a reward currency, and are, thus, unequivocally tough to come by. If there’s one pro tip to that we unequivocally ought to compensate attention, it’s this: do not spend Megabucks on anything other than land expansions. For more information click here.
Take mind of all this recommendation and you’ll be manufacture things all over a place in no time, with consistent “Congratulations” messages popping up. All of that we should share with your friends for additional rewards.
As in life, one of a best things in Megapolis is carrying friends. You get a good reward for adding friends around a idol on a bottom left of a screen. Your buddies’ worth, though, is really some-more than fiscal. They’re materially important, too, we see.In a game, your friends are positively essential in your unlocking after content, for there are copiousness of buildings and constructions – such as a Warehouse and a Bridge – that need adequate income AND materials to build them.
You can squeeze tools of buildings with Megabucks, yet you’d be a chump to do that. The many cost-effective approach of removing them is to Request them.
To do this, daub a present box in a bottom left of a screen, daub ‘Your Wishlist’, and supplement a equipment we need. Alternatively, we can daub on a construction itself and press a ‘Ask’ button.
Don’t forget to send gifts to your neighbours, too, for we don’t wish to demeanour like a Selfish Simon.
You can also revisit towns to assist a merger of resources from Contracts. Though we can assistance particular people a singular series of times per day, a series of friends we can revisit is singular usually by how many friends we have. Again, you’re rewarded for good deeds, so make certain to do this each day. For more information click here.
Megapolis is a city building game. Your main task is to improve existing cities by making improvements and additions to buildings, power sources and other structures that are needed. Success depends on the player’s ability to meet level goals, while keeping city residents happy and not over polluting or misusing resources inefficiently.
Basic Game Play
Each level in the game has specific requirements. In many scenarios you will need to construct new buildings, improve energy efficiency, add upgrades or increase overall city happiness. Megapolis is played on a single game screen.To construct buildings, you will need workers, blueprints, permits, resources and money. Everything has a cost. You will need to pay to train workers. Blueprints of a building gives construction workers instructions on what is required to build it. A permit gives you permission to construct a particular type of building once. Each item you need for a building can be purchased by clicking on the appropriate icon (if you have enough money).
Once all requirements for a building are met, they can be constructed by clicking on the building’s icon located on the right side of the game screen. If a building icon looks gray, this means that it is missing a requirement and it will not allow you to build it.
All existing buildings you own produce a certain amount of revenue. This money accumulates at as steady pace while the game is played. Improvements to buildings generate more money, while energy upgrades help reduce costs and pollution. For more information click here.
Aside from simply making and improving buildings, you will need to worry about having enough energy to power the city. If there is not enough power, buildings will begin to have problems and will need repair more often. Energy levels can be improved by upgrading buildings with solar panels and other items. Another option is to build power plants. However, you will need the blueprint and permits to build them.
City Happiness
Simply placing buildings throughout a city is not enough to keep residents happy. Building parks, office buildings and educational facilities nearby homes improves happiness. However, placing factories, warehouses and other industrial buildings near homes has a negative effect on the residents living in these areas.Game Tips
Buildings and upgrades can be constructed faster if you train extra workers.
To help improve Megapolis city happiness more efficiently, try to place parks and schools in a central location around several residential buildings. Any building can be demolished for a cost. However, the income generated from it will stop. You will also need to pay for the rubble removal that results from destroying the building. Once the rubble is clear, a new building can be constructed in its place. For more information click here.
To build something in a forested area, the trees will need to be cleared out by first. You will need to pay for this service. In addition, removing forests decreases the level of ecology in the area.
Increase the amount of power consumption by constructing more power plants. Maximize it even further by upgrading them so they will generate even more power.
Decrease power usage by upgrading buildings with energy efficient items like solar panels. Purchasing the complex license upgrade will give you the maximum amount of energy saving, but it is costly ($200,000).
Vadim Takser Ivanovich was born on September 16 , 1979 in
the city of Krasnodar , Russia , to parents Ivan Pavlovich Takser (1938-2000)
and Janna Leonidovna Livshitz . His mother was an accountant , and his father
was a liquor store owner . His older sister Sophia , worked in the kindergarden
, then went on to become a teacher . His grandfather served in the military
during World War II, while his family was evacuated to Ural . On September 1,
1987 , Vadim Takser started at School No. 88 on Chapaev Street, just four
blocks from his house. Ever since his early childhood he began to develop an
interest in mathematics . When asked what he wanted to become when grew up, he
said he wanted to become a math teacher . He became a member of pioneers in
1991 . After his high school graduation he moved out of his hometown to Minsk,
Belarus , where he studied in the University of Minsk for a degree in physics .
He liked reading books like Vishnevi Sad
or Tri Sestri by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov . In 1997 along with his family, Vadim
emigrated from Soviet Union. For 7 years they lived in Romania , then they
moved to Brooklyn, New York where Vadim found a job as sales clerk in order to
pay for his courses at Pace University to earn a degree in Accounting . After
graduation in 2008 Vadim was employed as an Accounting Assistant at PWC where
his primary duties included providing assistance to the accounting department .
In 2010 , after working there for almost 2 years, he was hired by a financial
firm , Ernst & Young as a Senior accountant . This position involved maintaining a book of business for clients
with net worth of over 10 million dollars. . In 4 years after that, in 2014 ,
at the age of 35 , Vadim Takser was married to Olga Voronova whom he met at the
halloween party at his friends house . They bought a condo in Newark, New
Jersey . His wife bore him three children named Yakov, Max, Faina, and Sasha .
His wife Olga got a job as a sales clerk nearby . The kids attended public
schools, and during summer, the family often vacationed in Miami, Florida ,
where Olga's parents lived as of recently after retiring from work . During his
time in America, Vadim Takser had visited Russia twice since his family's
departure in 1997 . His visits lasted 3-4 days and included visiting his
relatives, friends, classmates, as well as the house where he grew up with his
family. Besides travel, his favorite hobby was rollerblading . For more
information please sign up for full member access.
All five levels completed for the hydro plant but it still shows half with water . why is it doing that . it took forever to build it and to ask for parts and now it doesn't show !!!!
ReplyDeleteAlmost all info's which players need to know about the city building game Megapolis are here, cool ! you rock Vadim :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for taking the effort to write them all down .
ReplyDeletehow can you stop megapolis from autosaving on facebook..????
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DeleteI receive in some awards an icon of a wallet with credit cards what is this icon a day what is it used for? Please help
ReplyDeletehow come i dont have all those docks and boats near the marina? or all those factoies ad stuff in the dessert? my game looks very different to this. Also, what are those construction material facilities and excavations he talks about? iv never seen those in game. can u make ur own assets with those? im so confused.
ReplyDeleteReally useful tips, thank's for such material!
ReplyDeleteCan a tax office be built for the industrial islands, to automate coin collection?
ReplyDeleteHow can anybody in the winter competition make more than 200.000 points within 2 hours?
ReplyDeleteSeams there is a mega cheat running - I wish, the programmers of Megapolis would kick these guys out of the game and close the gap!,,
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